Thursday, June 11, 2009


Tonight I was hanging out with my buddy Collin and we decided to tell some racist jokes. Jokes about racists that is. There's not very many jokes about racists out there so here's what we came up with. Please note that all uses of racial slurs are from the view point of the racist and are used for the benefit of the joke. Okay, here goes...

Q: Why was the racist scared of Halloween?

A: Because he heard that's when the spooks come out.

Q: Why did the racist leave the renaissance fair?

A: He heard there was a chink in his armor.

Q: Why did the racist cross the road?

A: Because there was an African American family walking down the block.

Racists weren't the only victims this night. We also had quite a few laughs at the expense of frat boys and tweekers. Here's a few other jokes we came up with.....

Q: Whats the difference between a tweeker and a zombie?

A: Zombies eat.

Q: Why do frat boys wear baseball caps?

A: To keep the jizz out their hair.

Q: What did the tweeker and the hockey player have in common?

A: They're both white guys with mullets on ice.

Q: Whats the worst part about going to a frat party?

A: Getting raped.

Q: Why did the tweeker cross the road?

A: Giant spiders.

Q: What did the frat boy magician say when he pulled a rabbit out of his hat?

A: Ah-bro-ca-da-bro

Q: Why do tweekers prefer to have sex doggy style?

A: So they can both peek out of the blinds.

Q: Why did the frat boy wear a condom?

A: So he wouldn't leave any evidence.

Q: How did the tweeker lose five pounds in one day?

A: Picking scabs.

And my personal favorite...

Q: How many frat boys can you fit in a hummer?

A: It depends on how many roofies shes had.

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